Student's Book with My Creative Journal
The Student’s Book offers intriguing Big Questions, captivating fiction and non-fiction, Oracy Time and Speaking Missions, phonics and grammar lessons. It is packaged with My Creative Journal.
My Creative Journal
A booklet with topic-linked creative puzzles, games, and other unusual, sometimes challenging, but always enjoyable tasks. It is designed to encourage students to practice problem solving, playful use of language and self-expression. Packaged with the Student’s Book.
Activity Book with Practice Extra
The Activity Book provides exercises to further practice the language and skills presented in the Student’s Book with an access code to the online activities in ‘Practice Extra’.
Grammar and Writing Workbook
The optional Grammar and Writing Workbook provides an extra two pages of grammar practice for each grammar point and an extra three pages of writing practice per unit. It is available for levels 1 to 6.