

Online videos & audios

Access the unit videos and audios for all levels from the link below.


Workbook Audio

The Audio for the Workbooks for each level can be downloaded from here.


Andalusian Booklet

For each level of Citizen Z there is a booklet with extra activities related to Andalusia's culture and topics - they can be downloaded from here. Answer keys are teacher-restricted and only available via The Cambridge Teacher.


Emotions Worksheets for the Emotionary

A sample of the Emotionary in English with 3 emotions' illustrations and their corresponding worksheets. You will also find 7 extra worksheets for other emotions in the book. Worksheets are available in English and Spanish.


Emotions worksheets for Secondary

8 worksheets, developed in collaboration with Palabras Aladas, which will help you work with emotions in Secondary. The link below offers an example worksheet. All remaining worksheets and teaching notes are available on thecambridgeteacher.es.


Emotional syllabus

A list of the emotions present in all levels of Citizen Z  along with their related emotional competences. Activities and teaching notes for each unit are also available for both courses on thecambridgeteacher.es.


Grammar and Vocabulary Extra Worksheets

These worksheets provide extra grammar and vocabulary work at two levels of difficulty - standard and extension. They are available for every level only to confirmed users of Citizen Z by registration at www.thecambridgeteacher.es


Skills Tests

These tests, available in pdf format for every two units, assess the different skills of your students. They include audios and answer key. They are available for every level only to confirmed users of Citizen Z by registration at www.thecambridgeteacher.es.


Online videos & audios

Citizen Z - videos & audios

NOTE: this website is Flash-based. We recommend using Internet Explorer or Edge to open it. It may not function properly on Chrome or Firefox.

Workbook Audio

Emotions worksheets for Secondary

Emotional syllabus

Citizen Z (all levels)

Emotional syllabus

Grammar and Vocabulary Extra Worksheets

Skills Tests

All levels

Skills Tests